Extrawool        2022

Wool is a waste product in the Netherlands. Every year 1.5 mio tons of wool are getting burned. Farmers even have to pay for getting rid of it. The reason for this problem is the extensive labour that comes with processing th wool. It is simply too expensive to process wool in the Netherlands. This research is trying to understand the full process that hides behind a product from wool. Next to that, this is an attempt to tackle the problem of high gas prizes and finding a low-tech way of heating up. Let´s look back in time, how did our ancestors kept themselves warm?

Colours of washing Herdwick.
Washing Ouessart.

Washing and drying Texel. 

Drying the wool can take up to 2 weeks.

Experimenting with processing local wool in the traditional way and working further with modern techniques. Currently exploring the craft of needle punching.